Para as pessoas que pensam que não somos manipulados, "usados" sem nosso consentimento... consenti com os termos do Facebook, mas a "regra" de que tudo que eu acessar, qualquer outra mídia social, link, etc será armazenado por eles e vendido para outras empresas é errada, suja, manobrista. Mas é claro que outra pergunta, não feita, fica no ar: por que levou tanto tempo para que colocasse ele no "spot"? Quais interesses estão por trás disso agora? Bom, é um jogo sem fim a política...
Para quem puder entender, um recorte do testemunho no Congresso Americano, com o Mark :
“That doesn’t seem that complicated to me,” Blunt responded. “Now you understand this better than I do, but maybe you can explain to me why that’s that complicated. Do you track devices that an individual who uses Facebook has, that is connected to the device that they use for their Facebook connection but not necessarily connected to Facebook?”
“I’m not sure of the answer to that question,” Zuckerberg said.
In an article published last week by the American Civil Liberties Union, senior staff technologist Daniel Kahn Gillmor argued that Facebook was tracking him even though he wasn’t a member of the social network.
“While I’ve never ‘opted in’ to Facebook or any of the other big social networks, Facebook still has a detailed profile that can be used to target me,” Gillmor wrote. “I’ve never consented to having Facebook collect my data, which can be used to draw very detailed inferences about my life, my habits, and my relationships. As we aim to take Facebook to task for its breach of user trust, we need to think about what its capabilities imply for society overall. After all, if you do #deleteFacebook, you’ll find yourself in my shoes: non-consenting, but still subject to Facebook’s globe-spanning surveillance and targeting network.”
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